Retouch Nexus Dashboard

For the RETOUCH NEXUS case studies, the dashboard below summarizes the main characteristics of their water governance systems. Water governance in the EU presents a comprehensive framework that aims to ensure sustainable use and management of water resources. Please click the buttons to learn about water governance structures, the main challenges to sustainable water governance and data and evaluation of water policies in the case studies.

Estudios de casosCoordination MechanismsWater Policy SettingImplementing Institutions
Vertical CoordinationHorizontal CoordinationNational GovernmentRegional GovernmentNational AuthoritiesRegional AuthoritiesMunicipalitiesRiver Basin Managers
SPAIN Jucar River Basin



Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha





North Holland


SLOVAKIA South-Western Slovakia




BELGIUM Flanders



GERMANY Upper Main District


Federal Government

Bavaria: MECP


MALTA Malta River Basin



(basin = the whole country)

Estudios de casosWEFE Nexus in Water GovernanceMeasures for Water Scarcity and PrecautionCapacities of institutions(personal and financial)Other Specific Challenges
SPAIN Jucar River Basin

collaboration among sectors is facilitated

declared capacities and level of autonomy are sufficient

Water markets extension public-private, Partnership for innovations


Cross-sectoral cooperation at the national level, emphasis on water-soil nexus

Institutions adequately equipped from the judicial responsibility point of view

Societal demand shifts create pressure on an increase of capacities

SLOVAKIA South-Western Slovakia

Basic collaboration, water-soil concept under development

Lack of capacities, a review of competences and institutional structure is foreseen

Stable financing of state water administration required

BELGIUM Flanders

Basic collaboration, WEFE nexus concept not developed yet

Lack of structural, long-term funding mechanisms for water systems management

Valuing water such that investments in alternative water sources are facilitated Resilience to climate change

GERMANY Upper Main District

Basic collaboration, WEFE nexus concept not developed yet

Capacity limits (personal and financial) have been reached

Water withdrawal charges not applied in Bavaria

MALTA Malta River Basin

Cross-sectoral coordination between water and energy, and environment well developed

Institutions have adequate capacities

Energy dependency for water supply of the island

Estudios de casosLegislative RequirementsData AvailabilityChallenges
Legislative requirements for water policy monitoring and evaluationWater Information SystemDiverse Data SourceChallenges for empirical evidence on water resources and water policies
SPAIN Jucar River Basin

Gaps in data collection for groundwater use in regions with its quality or quantity problems gaps in economic valuation of ecosystems and ecosystem services


Water-related environmental information publicly available, but interpretation may be complex; progress in the implementation of the WFD programmes of measures reported online at the level of regional water authorities

SLOVAKIA South-Western Slovakia

Incomparable structure of information in fragmented data sources, some information only for actual time period, historical time series difficult to access, some data not publicly available

BELGIUM Flanders

Gaps in temporal resolution of water abstraction data, real time data on water quality, data on measures taken by water users, digital water metering

GERMANY Upper Main District

Gaps in survey of public water supply – it does not provide individual characteristics such as water delivery to agriculture

MALTA Malta River Basin

Data collected by a central authority, a water information system is under development

Data about this Individual Case Study will be available soon. Please check back later for updates.