Erprobung von Lösungen zur Wasserbewirtschaftung

Europas Wasserherausforderungen durch unsere Fallstudien angehen

Tauchen Sie ein in unsere umfassenden Fallstudien, die innovative Wasserbewirtschaftungssysteme und klimaresistente Strategien in ganz Europa vorstellen.

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Die Bedeutung von Fallstudien

The RETOUCH Nexus case studies are crucial for analysing the impact of water governance systems and policy interventions across various sectors. They span applications from local business parks to regional and national levels, providing a comprehensive framework for evaluating water practices and policies. Each case study supports multiple work streams, including stakeholder engagement, economic and financial models, and dissemination efforts. This multi-dimensional approach ensures the project addresses Europe’s diverse water-related challenges.

Vielfalt der Wasserherausforderungen

Unsere Fallstudien Standorte


German Upper Main case study


Dutch HHNK case study


Belgian Waterproof Business park Tielt case study


Western Slovakian case study


Spanish Jucar River Basin case study


Maltese River Basin District case study

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Zoom auf unsere Fallstudien

Spanish Case Study

Jucar basin of Valencia, Spain

Valencia Polytechnic University

Slowakische Fallstudie

South-West part of Slovakia

Slovak University of Agriculture

Belgium Case Study

Tielt, Keiberg & Peer


German Case study

Upper Main in Bavaria, Germany

Technical University of Munich

Dutch Case Study

North Holland, The Netherlands

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Maltese Case study

Maltese River Basin District

Energy And Water Agency (EWA)