RETOUCH NEXUS project has 2 sisters! Indeed, InnWater and GOVAQUA project are also funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme HORIZON EUROPE.

Altogether, the 3 projects have created a synergy group called Water Governance 2027. As the coordinator of RETOUCH NEXUS, Maria Vrachioli is really pleased to announce the online launch of WaterGovernance2027 on the morning of June 19.

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The event aims at communicating about the start of WaterGovernance2027, linking to the broader picture with a special focus on the OECD water governance indicators and providing space to discuss the foreseen organization of the synergy group, its added-value and the congruence of its objectives. The projects will be presented by their respective coordinators, and on the cake, European & OECD representatives will introduce the #EUpolicy context and provide an overview on the indicators so discussion can take place.