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Centrum výsledkov RETOUCH NEXUS

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Centrum výsledkov RETOUCH NEXUS slúži ako komplexné úložisko na podporu tvorcov politík, výskumníkov a širokej verejnosti tým, že poskytuje jednoduchý prístup k cenným informáciám o správe vodných zdrojov a zmene klímy. Konsolidáciou rôznych zdrojov poznatkov Centrum výsledkov zlepšuje porozumenie a uľahčuje informované rozhodovanie v oblasti vodného hospodárstva.

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Milestones Achieved by our Team

Case study visits

Case study workshops

Enhancing Water Management Comprehension

Supporting Informed Decisions Through Policy Briefs

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Informačné listy

D1.1 Factsheet on economic instrument development across Europe

This document aims to provide additional information about the economic instruments studied for the European water context and support previously displayed factsheets. The information offered is the result of the collective analysis of the researchers involved in the RETOUCH NEXUS project.

Water governance economic instrument - Insurance

Water governance economic instrument - Public-private partnerships (PPPs)

Water governance economic instrument - Water Markets

Water governance economic instrument - Subsidies

Water governance economic instrument - Water charges

Water governance economic instrument - Non-monetary voluntary agreements

Water governance economic instrument - Payments for Environmental Services (PES)

D1.2 Comparative analysis of national and transboundary water governance strategies focusing on priorities and mechanisms of sectoral alignment

The report assesses current governance strategies and institutional set-ups to deal with water-related risks in the EU using the lens of the WEFE nexus. Furthermore, it identifies several opportunities that may facilitate a shift towards increased coordination in water-related governance.

D2.2 Factsheets on Good Practices and Innovative Tools for Stakeholder Engagement and Public Participation

The fact sheets highlight eight engagement mechanisms including 40 good practices and innovative approaches associated with OECD principles, derived from ongoing initiatives in Europe and elsewhere.

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Dodávané produkty

D1.1 Factsheet on economic instrument development across Europe
D1.2 Comparative analysis of national and transboundary water governance strategies focusing on priorities and mechanisms of sectoral alignment

The report assesses current governance strategies and institutional set-ups to deal with water-related risks in the EU using the lens of the WEFE nexus. Furthermore, it identifies several opportunities that may facilitate a shift towards increased coordination in water-related governance. These opportunities are organized into seven categories: new priorities, new policies, new concepts, new tools, new roles and tasks, new cooperations, and new sources of funding. The report is accompanied by a series of factsheets for all 27 EU Member States.

D1.3 List of Water Governance Indicators

One of the RETOUCH NEXUS project objectives is to provide a collection of existing and new indicators for monitoring water governance building on the existing OECD water governance indicator framework. RETOUCH NEXUS aims to use the multi-level and cross-sectoral nature of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus to propose a list of indicators that allow assessing water governance over different spatial and temporal scales. First, across temporal scales, an intervention may have impacts over the short, medium and long term. Second, across a spatial scale, an intervention may deliver downward cascading impacts from its implementation at a larger scale (top-down impacts) or upward impacts resulting from up-scaling local practices (bottom-up impacts).

D1.4 Available data, data gaps and their implications

This document outlines Task 1.4 of the RETOUCH NEXUS Project, focusing on developing a data and monitoring framework for water governance. Building on previous work (Task 1.3), it refines a set of indicators and proposes a monitoring framework that incorporates the OECD water governance indicators while adding metrics to assess policy outcomes and the Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus. The framework guides decision-making in water allocation and management by identifying relevant indicators and publicly available data sources, with strategies for both quantitative and qualitative assessment. The report concludes that while national-level water governance can be effectively monitored using available data, challenges exist at local scales due to data limitations. The indicators will be applied in six case studies under RETOUCH NEXUS to address these gaps.

D2.1 Mapping of stakeholders and engagement mechanisms in RETOUCH NEXUS case studies and at European level

These factsheets serve as informative resources for the RETOUCH NEXUS case studies, highlighting a collection of effective practices and innovative approaches derived from ongoing initiatives in Europe and elsewhere. The factsheets include eight engagement mechanisms capturing a total of 40 good practices and innovative approaches. adelphi reviewed various engagmeent mechanisms with examples to develop the fact sheets. One of the case studies inlcuded is Living Labs from GOVAQUA , which is a sister project of RETOUCH NEXUS un EU Horizon funds.

D2.2 Factsheeats on Good Practices and Innovative Tools for Stakeholder Engagement and Public Participation

This deliverable compiles a series of factsheets presenting good practices and innovative tools for engaging stakeholders and the public in water governance. It aims to support the RETOUCH NEXUS case studies by providing practical recommendations and examples of participatory approaches. The factsheets cover eight key engagement mechanisms: Citizen Science, Creative Collaborative Events, E-Participation, Living Labs, Financial and Economic Mechanisms, Inclusive Engagement (with a focus on gender and youth), Legal Mechanisms, and Motivation and Leadership. These engagement strategies align with OECD principles on stakeholder participation and are designed to enhance co-creation and collaborative decision-making in the WEFE Nexus.

D2.3 Roadmap for stakeholder & citizen engagement in case studies

The Stakeholder Engagement Roadmap (SER) guides the RETOUCH NEXUS project in addressing water, energy, food, and ecosystem (WEFE) challenges. It promotes integrated, sustainable governance through innovative engagement mechanisms, inclusivity for vulnerable groups, open science practices, and ethical data management. The GTI app facilitates knowledge sharing and stakeholder involvement, adapting as needed during implementation.

D3.1 White Paper on Evaluation and Implications of Economic Instruments under a WEFE Perspective

This deliverable provides an in-depth analysis of economic instruments for water governance within the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus. By examining six European case studies, it explores policy challenges and potential solutions for integrating the WEFE perspective into economic models. The report assesses hydrological, hydro-economic, and cost-benefit models to evaluate the efficiency and sustainability of economic instruments, such as water pricing, subsidies, and payments for ecosystem services. With a focus on real-world applications, it offers insights to enhance policy coherence and improve resource management strategies in the context of climate change and water scarcity.

D4.1 Case studies dashboard on baseline, governance practices and performance evaluation

This report describes the process of  the creation of the dashboard for task T4.1 in the RETOUCH NEXUS project and it presents the most recent versions of the screens of the dashboard (their design may be still subject to change). Each dashboard screen is devoted to one partial aspect of water governance. In this report, also an accompanying description of the main findings for the RETOUCH NEXUS case
studies is given.

D4.2 Comparative analysis on policy coordination arrangements and options for improvement

This report assesses water governance fragmentation in six RETOUCH NEXUS countries, examining the lack of coherence across governmental levels and sectors like water, energy, food, and ecosystems. It highlights various initiatives aimed at improving coordination, resulting in new governance concepts and tools for better management. Despite progress, the report identifies areas needing improvement, including local-level coordination, stakeholder involvement, capacity building, and fostering experimentation spaces.

D5.2 Website and visual identity
D6.1 Tools for management and information flow
D6.2 Project Performance Report
D6.3 Data management Plan
D6.5 Quality Plan