Together with our sister projects of the Správa vodných zdrojov 2027 Synergická skupina, GOVAQUA and InnWater, we are delighted to dedicate this article to our female researchers to promote their work and careers around the development of water governance approaches.

These innovative approaches take into account the interdependencies between the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the design of coherent water governance practices and policies at different levels and in different sectors.

As part of InnWater, we interviewed Ms Olivia Ricci, Associate Professor at the Université de la Réunion.

Career and challenges

Q.: Could you share your journey to becoming a researcher? What inspired you to pursue this path, what challenges have you faced as a woman in your field, and what is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from these experiences?

Ms Ricci: After completing my master’s degree in environmental economics, I decided to pursue a research career by doing a PhD in economics, focusing on solutions to combat climate change. I then completed a postdoctoral fellowship and secured a position as an assistant professor and researcher at the University of La Réunion.What inspires me most in this journey is my passion and deep curiosity for my research topics. I love the opportunity to explore new subjects and analytical tools—nothing is ever static in this profession.

As a woman in research, I have faced several challenges. One of the biggest is maintaining a balance between an intense professional life and family life, especially with children. Gaining recognition from colleagues and building self-confidence can also be difficult in a field where men still outnumber women.

The most valuable lesson I have learned is that when you are truly passionate about research, you can build confidence and establish yourself as a leader in your field. The key is to take the leap and go for it!

Role in the project

Q.: What do you do within the RETOUCH NEXUS project? How have your studies and expertise enabled you to fulfil this role?

Ms Ricci: In the InnWater project, I work on different work packages with my team. One research area focuses on the monetary valuation of coral reefs in La Réunion, involving researchers from both La Réunion and the University of Rouen. Another area concerns poverty indicators in the water sector.

My role in the project is primarily research-oriented. With my expertise in environmental and energy economics, I apply my analytical tools to the field of water management


Q.: At European level, do you think the research sector has become more open to women? What could be done to achieve greater equality between men and women in this field?

Ms Ricci: I guess the research sector has become more open to women at the European level, but inequalities persist in many countries, especially in leadership roles. Ensuring equal access to funding and career opportunities could be an action. I believe that continuous efforts are needed to achieve true gender equality in research.

Q.: As an expert in sustainable water governance, what do you see as Europe’s greatest challenge in implementing sustainable water governance?

Ms Ricci: Europe faces several challenges in implementing sustainable water governance, but one of the most significant is ensuring the long-term availability of water resources amid climate change while balancing competing demands. Severe droughts in Spain, southern France, and even La Réunion—an island usually well-supplied with water—highlight the growing urgency of this issue.

Key questions arise: How should water be allocated among different uses? What will its cost be? How can we effectively reduce consumption?

To address these challenges, Europe must strengthen water management policies, promote water reduction incentives, and develop innovative solutions to optimize usage while preserving ecosystems.

Q.: Finally, what advice would you give to future generations of women who want to become researchers?

“Pursue your passion with confidence and perseverance. Believe in yourself, your ideas and contributions are valuable! Research can be challenging, but curiosity and determination will take you far!

Olivia Ricci