Belgische casestudies
Tielt, Keiberg & Peer residence
De Belgische cases betreffen drie demosites gericht op het verbeteren van de water- en klimaatbestendigheid op twee bedrijventerreinen en het bevorderen van duurzaam wonen in een woonwijk.
Case Studies Overview
Ontdek de uitdagingen van België
The Belgian case study focuses on researching the role of water and climate in two business parks and one residential area promoting sustainable living. While rainwater collection is mandated by law for both industrial companies and households, its reuse remains limited and unevenly distributed. The demonstration sites are implementing various measures to reuse and upgrade water for processes like cooling, industrial use, irrigation, and domestic purposes through multi-stakeholder partnerships. The primary challenge lies in establishing water pricing mechanisms for secondary water, which is crucial for sustainably managing ongoing investments in the demonstration sites.
Our Methodology & expected results
Water veiligstellen: Geïntegreerde beleidsinitiatieven
Het Decreet Integraal Waterbeleid, dat in Vlaanderen afgestemd is op de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water, heeft als doel de watervoorraden te beschermen en de waterkwaliteit op peil te houden en tegelijk de gevolgen van overstromingen en droogte te beperken. Het Blue Deal-programma van de Vlaamse Regering financiert projecten gericht op structurele oplossingen om waterschaarste en droogte in de regio aan te pakken. Daarnaast verplicht het regenwaterdecreet bouwers om regenwater ter plaatse te beheren in plaats van het onmiddellijk af te voeren.
Onze lokale activiteiten
Belanghebbenden betrekken bij de aanpak van watergerelateerde problemen
Promoting Stakeholder Engagement for Improved Water Management in Flanders with the Flemish Poultry Test Farm
The RETOUCH NEXUS project is excited to announce an upcoming stakeholder engagement activity as part of the Belgian Case Study…
Resident Information Session on Sustainable Water Systems at Agnetenpark Peer
On September 3, 2024, a resident information meeting was held at Peer Library, bringing together the future co-owners of Agnetenpark…
Innovative Water Management: Site Visit to Business Park Tielt Noord
On August 23, 2024, the RETOUCH NEXUS Belgium case study hosted a stakeholder event at Tielt Noord Business Park, attracting…
Visit to the WaterProof Experience Container: A Collaborative Exchange for the RETOUCH NEXUS Project
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, representatives from various RETOUCH project case studies gathered in Ostend for a unique visit to…
The Belgian case study of the RETOUCH NEXUS project held its First stakeholder engagement workshop!
Our Belgian case study leader, Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO) was more than happy to kick off its activities,…
Establishing a baseline to characterise each RETOUCH NEXUS case study
Last September, our project completed two tasks aimed at exploring water governance models, institutional frameworks and economic, financial and commercial…
Residential area in Peer (Agnetenpark)