The World Water Forum is the world’s biggest water-related gathering and is organised by the World Water Council (WWC), an international organization that brings together all those interested in the theme of water. The Forum is held every three years and has been taking place since 1997.

The 10th edition of the World Water Forum will be jointly organized by the World Water Council and the Republic of Indonesia and is set to take place from 18 to 24 May 2024 in Bali.

Location: Bali, Indonesia

Date: 18 to 24 May 2024

The venue to host 10th World Water Forum is Bali, one of the thousands of islands that constitute Indonesian archipelago. For decades Bali has been renowned as a tourist destination. It has been given many names ”Island of God” and “Morning of the World” among others all seeking to express the mystique that has for centuries lured visitors from far of shores.

The Forum is expected to be attended by 30.000 participants from 172 countries and will consist of various programs such as official sessions, high level panels, thematic sessions, side events, youth space, fair & expo and technical field trips.

The Forum brings together participants from all levels and areas, including politics, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society and the private sector, among others. Over the years, the number of people participating in the Forum has grown from a few hundred to tens of thousands, from both the international community and host countries.

During the week of May 2024, the heads of state, the heads of international organizations, high level government officials, experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and economists from all over the world will share their knowledges, experiences, and practices regarding a wide range of topics related to water.